Artful Antics Exhibit Opens January 11

The Norris Gallery winter exhibit, “Artful Antics,” opens January 11 and will remain on display through February 16. A free, public reception honoring the artists will be held on Sunday, January 19, from 2 to 4 p.m. with awards presented at 3 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
“Artful Antics” presents the creative and imaginative work of 75 artists in a variety of 2D and 3D media. The judge for “Artful Antics” is Larry Johnson. Larry is an exhibiting artist and has judged numerous art shows.
All work in ”Artful Antics” is available for purchase.
The exhibit includes works by Katherine Alderfer, Sue Anderson, LaThoriel Badenhausen, Julie Bargiel, Caroline Barnard, Erin Bartolotta, Carol Bayer, David Bettinghaus, Rhonda Birk, Larry Bond, Joan Bredendick, Judith Bugh, Greg Chapman, Charlie Conkle, Grace Cornelius, Julia Huette Costanzo, Randy Craig, Shirley Crutchfield, Dan Danielson, Melanie Deal, Kristie Stock Domain, Christine Doolittle, Cristina Downey, Jeanne Dyer, Elisabeth Dzuricsko, Jane Erlandson, Sandra Frigolett, Marie g, Jeanne Garrett, Dan Grych, Retta Hentschel, Thomas Herzberg, Chris Hodge, Christopher Hughes, Jay King, Jayne King, Hannah King, Amy Knapp, Arlene Knowlton, Robert Koch, Tessa E. Koller, Kathi Kuchler, Joan Ladendorf, Lynda Lawson Karr, Lucas Leonard, Nancy Long, Kathleen Manning, Petra Marc, Joan Mills, Beata Nowak, Carleen O’Connor Rivera, Connie Olesen Orbeta, Caitlin Palagi, Danielle Piloto, Sylvia Publ, Diana Rickerl, Howard Russo, Mary Ellen Segraves, Karyl Silerzio, Charlie Smith, Richard Sperry, Carol Sturz, Laura Lein-Svencner, Peterine Svoboda, Gale Trausch, Thomas Trausch, Sheila Valesano, Patricia van Dusen, Terry Walsh, Jeanne Watkins, Ute Westphal, Robert Wilson, Nicole Yingst, Jodi Younglove, and Dan Zamudio.
The Norris Gallery is located in the Norris Cultural Arts Center (1040 Dunham Road, St. Charles) on the Norris Campus which includes St. Charles East High School. Admission to the Gallery is free and parking is available. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday through Sunday.
For more information call 630-584-7200. Your call will be returned as staff is available to answer the phone.